Our customers …
… include exceptionally committed public office holders, local governments and public administrations as well as civil society and international development agencies. They share the objective to stand out on the basis of improved accountability to their constituencies and clients. Pactitioners key service modules are adapted to the challenges they face in delivering on measurable impact, credible stakeholder engagement and the cost-effective use of public resources.
We list some areas for which our instruments have proved effective to different customer groups.
Local Governments and Public Administrations
Cost-effective and result-oriented support in meeting public expectations of:
- Improved infrastructure and services
- Authentic public participation in investment decisions, planning processes and implementation
- Demands for increased information, responsiveness, accountability and redress options
Elected and Appointed Public Officeholder
Result-oriented support in:
- Public engagement with political agendas and public policies
- Public cooperation in delivering on political commitments
- Building credible public reputations
Multi- and Bilateral Development Agencies and Civil Society Organisations
Tailored ‘add-on’ support to programmes on equitable and sustainable development to:
- Demonstrate the authentic inclusion of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups in public decision-making
- Provide evidence of sustainable impact in the design and delivery of development-related investments
- Strengthen incentives for the replication and scaling-up of good practice approaches
- Demonstrate cost-effectiveness and integrity in the use of public resource
Public Companies and Utilities providing basic services
Meeting customer or user expectations of:
- Quality and reliable services
- Fair and transparent pricing structures
- Responsiveness to customer needs, complaints and suggestions
Exploring: Private Sector Companies
We are currently adapting our instruments for Private Sector Companies keen to achieve:
- A more credible implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility, Triple Bottom Line and UN Global Compact Commitments, incl. the Women’s Empowerment Principles
- Improved customer relationships